FreeMIRROR Android App

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We created an Android app that forwards WhatsApp messages received to your freemirror control cage, the app is available in the




  • Look for the NPS freeMIRROR app in the google play store or follow the link above, install the app
  • On first run the app will ask you to enable the freeMIRROR service, click YES and enable the switch for the freemirror service

The app requires to read the system notifications to be able to retrieve the WhatsApp messages hence the need to enable the freemirror service.

Link to freeMIRROR account

  • During first run the app will generate a unique code per installation and display it on the app take down this code
  • Login to you account
  • Goto Whatsapp -> Setup (On menu)
  • Enter the auth code from the freemirror app in the Auth string Textbox and click Submit.

Developer interface

Contact us at [email protected] for demo and pricing.


WhatsApp messages received on your phone should be viewable on your freemirror control page, goto WhatsApp -> freeMIRROR App.



The app will reply with a pong.


The app will replay with the help menu