@VCR ScannerBOT

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NPS-VCR or Vehicle Check Report is a reverse lookup project started to aid communities and is part of the NP Tracker family of products. ALL personal info related to the vehicle and its owner is removed from the reports provided.

Telegram BOT @VCR_ScannerBOT


This bot accepts eNatis or SAPD Vehicle Circulation reports (either in text or screenshots) and updates our VCR records if needed.

Adding content

  • Find the bot @VCR_ScannerBOT (Goto Contacts and search for it)
  • Tap to open (if needed click on START to initialize comms with the BOT)
  • Send an SAPD MCD or eNatis report to the BOT - or screenshot.

The BOT will reply with the data that it saved related to the vehicle and update the NPS-VCR report. The bot can be added to Telegram groups as well.