Third party/custom bots

From NP Tracker projects
Revision as of 14:20, 4 April 2019 by Street Eyes (Les Cass) (talk | contribs) (@StreetEyesBOT)
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We develop and host numerous apps and BOTS for third parties most are white labeled products that do not directly state our name.
If you need a bot developed (or would like one of our existing bots running with a different name) please do not hesitate to contact us ([email protected]) we are more than willing to assist.
If we developed a bot for you please feel free to add it below for others to find it.



Description here by Les Cass. You are welcome to contact me at Cellular 0645233631 and [email protected] (How do ii make hyperlinks, Eduard)

Anyone is also welcome to edit, test and share.

  • SAFETY & SECURITY* for you and your closest is often only realised Too Late.

StreetEyes & NPTracker have build a totally Free App, that could one day possibly mitigate a possible painful situation.

It is all, from many years of a 'Dedication Calling' for us to offer 'service' in Community Public Safety & Security.

StreetEyesBot as a tool for you to also become one of the eyes-on-the-street.

STREETEYESBOT as a Virtual Communications Chat Group, meaning you are on various group levels anywhere. Firstly (/joinStreet) or with the other /join... command, thus also as required /joinSuburb, Town, District Municipality or Metro or even a Province.

[Emergency accident warning is being investigated for when travelling on the Open Road and stopping suddenly an alarm can be set off to your Followers.] Being GEO referenced to limit false alarms if for example at a One-Stop or in a residential area. This is for a possible accident and using the so called "golden hour" of response optimally.

This totally Free Telegram Apps Bot spread by Street Eyes and built and driven with compliments of NPTracker as also being the database.

Remember Safety and Security is also the responsibility of each one of us.


By /joinStreet you and your closest neighbours are on a virtual group especially for emergency situations.

However the communication can be anythings, as is generally acceptable by the members, on the Street or even a higher Group.

As far as possible from the /joinStreet on up, meaning Ward, Suburb, Town/City, Province and National, should be preferably limited to Emergency Related matters. But any messages can be escalated to where applicable with a Z command. Eg zTown, zProvince etc.

If away from home you can then again (/joinStreet or /joinTown). Then you are connected right there where you are to the local virtual group for your possible emergency assistance. Especially in say a vehicle breakdown situation. The more we get to join StreetEyesBot the better the network of assistance around the country.

Then no matter where you are /join(ed) you have the /hospital and /police commands etc. This is to find and have directions straight to these from wherever you are joined at that point in time.

Any suspicious vehicle can be checked within seconds. Just type /lookup ABC123GP as an example.

In addition in the report there is a link to NPTracker/database for this vehicle so you can view the exact input by others. There is around 120,000 listed, but presently still excluding the official list.

You can also add to these lists on suspicious behaviour / dangerous driving / any criminal activity.

Sincerely thanking you for your possible future contribution of data below that can be used to assist Law Enforcement.

Just type straight into the StreetEyesBot like a normal message. Note that as private person non of your personal details be seen. Example of a message below.

ABC123?? 2018-01-01 @ 21:34 Suspected... as seen at... ...and is considered as ... [or whatever explained briefly]

There are many many more additional benefits.

Again, this is aimed at better Public Safety & Security with the NPTracker Technology and the Implementation Methodology of Street Eyes. However, due to so many possible variables no responsibility at all is taken for any loss or anything else.


When on StreetEyesBot you enjoy the benefits and the faster we grow the Street Eyes Community throughout the country the better for ALL.

Queries suggestions etc are welcomed on Telegram at

Apologies for the cellular phone image size. Complex to projet to a laptop screen as actually for presentation on a big screen.

Now click the link below.