
From NP Tracker projects
Revision as of 12:40, 10 May 2024 by NPTracker (talk | contribs) (Monitor)
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We offer a comprehensive user/group and keyword monitoring management platform known as freeMIRROR / NPS-Community. When connected to the NPS Social Media BOT(s), this system scans posts from users that the associated BOT account can access, storing user details and the groups in which they posted in a secure private database.
Clients can view all users who have posted messages and all groups where these messages were posted. This tool is invaluable for tracking which groups a specific user is or was part of, as well as the messages they have posted across different groups.

Additionally, clients can set up keyword monitoring. All messages captured by the NPS Social Media BOT(s) are scanned for specific keywords, and if a match is found, an alert is sent to a designated Telegram group. The freeMIRROR / NPS-Community platform interface is explained below:



This section is used to manage and control keyword campaigns. Each campaign can be configured to monitor multiple keywords. Keywords should be separated by a semi-colon. For example, entering "one;two;tickel my shoe;three" will create a notification if any of these keywords are mentioned in a post note that "tickel my shoe" is handled as one keyword so the whole string should match. The search for keywords is not case-sensitive.

Notification groups

This section displays the notification groups that will receive the triggered keyword events. The "RAW" group is intended to monitor all messages received by the system.


This section lists the most recent keyword campaigns that were triggered.


Link Device




Enumerate group information for groups that received posts after the bot was linked to the platform.
Selecting to view a group will display the following info.


Group - Info

Display group platform information.


Group - Messages

Show the messages posted on the group as captured by the BOT.


Group - Users

Display the users that posted on the group.


Group - Keywords

Manage and display all current active keyword monitoring rules for the specified group. Note that global keyword rules cannot be modified at the group level.



Enumerate user information for users who posted after the bot was linked to the platform.
Selecting to view a user will display the following info.


User - Info

Display user platform information.


Only available if users registered through the registration BOT


Only available if users registered through the registration BOT


User - Messages

Show the messages the user posted as captured by the BOT.


User - Groups

Display the groups the user is or was a member of.